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Person in wheelchair in front of subway station staircase wondering how to go up

Elevators For Equal Ridership

Mission Statement

Additional elevators will make the lives of many New Yorkers easier by increasing their opportunities to work, engage and contribute to their communities. The Subway AccessAbility campaign will push for faster construction of more elevators in the subway system by collecting bad experiences and connecting you to important resouces such as our petitions, other campaigns with the same goals, progress updates and news.

Who We Are

We want to increase awareness about the lack of elevators in New York City’s subway stations. We plan on doing this through the collection of testimonies, petition signing, and the power of social media. We want to educate the public and provide them with the resource they need to help us fight this ongoing problem.

We will push for these changes through the appropiate organizations.

Manhattan Borough President, Gale Brewer’s office recently conducted a study of The Current State of the MTA’s Accessible Stations, citing 114 stations out of 472 total stations, or 24% (as of September 2018.) That percentage is only true if you believe that Times Square is not one station, but five. - Jessica Murray

Know of a station that is in need of an elevator?
Did you have a bad experience in a subway station because there were no elevators?

Tell us! Contact - info@Subwayaccessability.example